Set in the 1950's, this moving new picture book follows a young family as they travel across the ocean to a new home in a new land — CanadaBased on a true story of a family's journey rec
Set in the 1950's, this moving new picture book follows a young family as they travel across the ocean to a new home in a new land — Canada
Based on a true story of a family's journey recorded at The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax, The Moon's Journey follows Faith as she leaves the only place she has ever called home to travel with her family across the ocean to a new home in Canada. Faith is very nervous about this strange new place that will become her home and can only hope that her friend, the night moon, will still be watching over her every night no matter where she and her family call home.
Royalties from sales of THE MOON'S JOURNEY will be donated to The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21.
Beryl Young is a bestselling author for children and young adults whose first novel was published when she was 66 years old. Her books include A Boy Named Tommy Douglas and Show Us Where You Live, Humpback. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Sean Huang is an artist and illustrator from Regina, Saskatchewan. His picture books include Molly Misses Nainai and I Am Not a Ghost: The Canadian Pacific Railway.
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