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02/07/2025 Michael Henry is having an event of Old-Growth Forest Walks When: Friday, February 7 at 7:00 pm
Where: Take Cover Books, 59 Hunter Street East, Peterborough, Ontario02/23/2025 Melissa Assaly will host a Book launch at Indigo Sherway Gardens When: Sunday February 23, at 1:00 pm,
Where: Sherway Gardens, 25 The West Mall #3038, Toronto, ON
Event: It will be a reading and signing for two books, Beautiful Junk and Imperfect Garden03/01/2025 Caryl Dolinko has a Book Launch at Family & Friends, Spyglass Place When: Saturday, March 1 at 3:00 pm
Where: 1850 Spyglass Pl, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1A6
Event: It’s a book launch and reading
03/08/2025 Louise Sidley has a Book Launch at Otter Books When: Saturday, March 8, time to be determine,
Where: Otter Books, 398 Baker St, Nelson, BC
Event: It’s a book launch and reading03/10/2025 Chef Bruno Feldeisen has a Event at Gather Bookshop, Oliver When: Monday, March 10, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm,
Where: Gather Bookshop, 100 Enterprise Wy #105, Oliver, BC
Event: It’s a book launch and tasting03/18/2025 Louise Sidley has a Book Launch at Rossland Public Librray When: Tuesday, March 18, time to be determine,
Where: Rossland Public Library, 2180 Columbia Ave, Rossland, BC
Event: It’s a book launch and reading03/19/2025 Louise Sidley has a Book Launch at Castlegar Public Library When: Wednesday, March 19, time to be determine,
Where: Castlegar Public Library, 1005 3 St, Castlegar, Rossland, BC
Event: It’s a book launch and reading03/26/2025 Caryl Dolinko has a Book Launch at Black Bond Books Vancouver When: Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 pm
Where: Black Bond Books, 4118 Main St., Vancouver, BC V5Y 1A6
Event: It’s a book launch and reading04/09/2025 Chef Bruno Feldeisen has a Event at Audrey's Books, Calgary When: Wednesday, April 9, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm,
Where: Audreys Books, 10702 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB
Event: It’s a book launch and tasting04/14/2025 Chef Bruno Feldeisen has a Event at Gather Bookshop, Squamish When: Unknown, From 5:00 to 7:00 pm,
Where: Gather Bookshop, 38041 2 Ave, Squamish, BC
Event: It’s a book launch and tasting
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