Antarctica Day

On December 1st, 1959 the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations, setting aside nearly 10% of the Earth "forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes... in the interests of all mankind." The Antarctic Treaty became the first nuclear-arms agreement and the first institution to govern all human activities in an international space (a region beyond sovereign jurisdictions).

Antarctica Day was established in 2010 as an annual event to build global awareness of this landmark institution, celebrating this milestone of peace in our civilization with hope and inspiration for future generations. Growing from 14 nations during its first year, Antarctica Day 2011 involved participants in 28 countries with activities embraced by diverse governmental and non-governmental organizations facilitating direct involvement of schools, teachers and students.

Antarctica Day is an opportunity to demonstrate how diverse nations can work together peacefully, continuously using science as a global language of cooperation for decision making beyond national boundaries.

Below are our books about Antarctica. We also included our books about penguins.

For excellent large-format photography book check out Antarctica by Arnold Zageris.

Click here to see a slideshow of some low-resolution photographs from the book.

Click here to see a video of the story behind one of the photographs in the book.

Antarctica Books

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