Indigenous People Books

At Fitzhenry & Whiteside we have hundreds of books on Indigenous people published by the Fitzhenry family of publishers or by publisher we distribute.

In order to make it easier to navigate through them and to help you find what you are interested in we have split the list into different groupings.

We have two publisher we distribute who's focus is on particular Indigenous people. Their books have been pulled from the following lists and you can go to their lists of books further down on this page.

The rest of the books have been split into 4 sections.

Children's fiction books on Indigenous people

Children's non-fiction books on Indigenous people

Adult fiction books on Indigenous people

Adult non-fiction books on Indigenous people

With all the attention on residential schools lately we have several books that touch-on or deal directly with native and their experiences in residential schools. Click here to see the books that have to do with residential schools.